i think the greatest dream that comes when we live is that we can conclude... we cannot never conclude...why God are You infinite?
green.....voices.....wall....the white
....no voices.... days...the lamp...
sand dreams...forthcoming endless green of white.
marți, 15 iunie 2010
luni, 22 februarie 2010
John Keats, Ode on a Grecian Urn
" Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard
Are sweeter; therefore, you soft pipes, play on;
Not to the sensual ear, but, more endear'd,
Pipes to the spirit ditties of no tone:
Fair youth, beneath the trees, you cant not leave
Your song, nor ever can those trees be bare;
Bold Lover, never, never cant you kiss,
Though winning near the goal- yet, do not grieve;
She cannot fade, though you hast not your bliss,
For ever will you love, and she be fair!
When old ages shall this generation waste,
You shall remain, in midst of other woe
Than ours, a friend to man, to whom you say'st,
Beauty is truth, truth beauty,- that is all
We know on earth, and all we need to know."
The writing critique of this "marble piece of sculptured words" as the English scholar Yeats shaped it(1) commonly agreed with the perfection harmony of these lines with the evanescence of the symbolical urn. The contemplative Keats is more sensitive with the stillness and evocative form of the engraving figures on the urn that preverved the fingerprint of the anonymous artist.Thus the pastoral Lover is created to be eternal loved and his bride fair above the hour-glass of time. For Keats Art is beauty and beauty is the only perceived reality for man to achieve a meaning . There is a ritual of the words which are incantanted and deeply searched to reveal their internal music of the language. The meaning is the form of the poem as the form is its meaning, like truth of the artist and the beauty of the art.
May we introduce a Romanian poem which intertextually dialogate with "The Ode on A Grecian Urn":
Dimitrie Anghel, Puterea amintirii
De nu va vrea ce-i nobil in noi si ce-i lumina
Sa-si aminteasca, totusi, aceea ce-a fost tina
Va tremura, caci pururi argila modelata
Pastreaza urma manei de care-a fost sculptata.
Oricum, pana la capat aminte ne-om aduce,
Si oricat de departe destinele ne-or duce,
Mereu si pretutindeni, oricand si orisiunde.
Cand mi-oi suna eu lantul, al tau imi va raspunde."
" Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard
Are sweeter; therefore, you soft pipes, play on;
Not to the sensual ear, but, more endear'd,
Pipes to the spirit ditties of no tone:
Fair youth, beneath the trees, you cant not leave
Your song, nor ever can those trees be bare;
Bold Lover, never, never cant you kiss,
Though winning near the goal- yet, do not grieve;
She cannot fade, though you hast not your bliss,
For ever will you love, and she be fair!
When old ages shall this generation waste,
You shall remain, in midst of other woe
Than ours, a friend to man, to whom you say'st,
Beauty is truth, truth beauty,- that is all
We know on earth, and all we need to know."
The writing critique of this "marble piece of sculptured words" as the English scholar Yeats shaped it(1) commonly agreed with the perfection harmony of these lines with the evanescence of the symbolical urn. The contemplative Keats is more sensitive with the stillness and evocative form of the engraving figures on the urn that preverved the fingerprint of the anonymous artist.Thus the pastoral Lover is created to be eternal loved and his bride fair above the hour-glass of time. For Keats Art is beauty and beauty is the only perceived reality for man to achieve a meaning . There is a ritual of the words which are incantanted and deeply searched to reveal their internal music of the language. The meaning is the form of the poem as the form is its meaning, like truth of the artist and the beauty of the art.
May we introduce a Romanian poem which intertextually dialogate with "The Ode on A Grecian Urn":
Dimitrie Anghel, Puterea amintirii
De nu va vrea ce-i nobil in noi si ce-i lumina
Sa-si aminteasca, totusi, aceea ce-a fost tina
Va tremura, caci pururi argila modelata
Pastreaza urma manei de care-a fost sculptata.
Oricum, pana la capat aminte ne-om aduce,
Si oricat de departe destinele ne-or duce,
Mereu si pretutindeni, oricand si orisiunde.
Cand mi-oi suna eu lantul, al tau imi va raspunde."
luni, 8 februarie 2010
Cu persoane, moduri si timpuri
Arghezi e poetul lutului si pulberii de ingeri care spunea ca placerea durabila a vietii este descoperirea sisifica sau naiva a lumii din nou: cu adevarul sau eroarea ei-daca intereseaza.(Scrieri, XXI). Circumscrisa de opozitii atat in afara cat si inauntrul nostru, dar mai ales pe dedesubt, lumea cu oamenii si timpurile sale ne fascineaza sau ne dezamageste cu aceeasi surpriza sau dezumflata lovitura de teatru...iar noi, aproape nauciti de atatea schimbari de decor, de atatea masti care ne atrg prin frumusetea sau justetea personajului pe care il reprezinta speram si iar speram iar eu ma intreb oare nu ne pierdem vremea sperand? In tot acest interval ne ramane increderea poetilor in cantul sau ruga fapturii si Faptuitorului:
"Intreaga noapte au cantat din sute
De fluiere, cimpoaie si viori
Si din uneltele necunoscute
Vantul si ploaia pe invelitori
Vulturii, corbii au venit cu totii
Si rad in coruri grave de metal
Vazand cum mor in noaptea lunga hotii
Subt lacatele mari de la spital."
(T.Arghezi, "O noapte")
"Intreaga noapte au cantat din sute
De fluiere, cimpoaie si viori
Si din uneltele necunoscute
Vantul si ploaia pe invelitori
Vulturii, corbii au venit cu totii
Si rad in coruri grave de metal
Vazand cum mor in noaptea lunga hotii
Subt lacatele mari de la spital."
(T.Arghezi, "O noapte")
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